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101 Embarrasing Sexual Accidents (pdtv xvid avi)
Video > Movie clips
345.96 MB

+0 / -0 (0)

Apr 10, 2005


Good quality, Just think that there are so many people who does realy stupid things to get sexually satisfaction, that they can make a program about it. What´s the prace I´m looking for? ... Yeah.. Stupid is what stupid does!.... right?

Some scenes are a bit tough....   I´m just glad I´m never THAT horny.

"Did you hear the one about the guy who filled his ass with concrete? How about the guy who got caught shagging a goat along the railway while a trainload of people watched in horror? Then there's the guy who decided that a pool vacuum hole would give him the blowjob of his life and got stuck in it!  Learn about all the odd things guy will stick their dicks in to and the even stranger things they'll stick IN to their dicks."

Bitrate............889 Kbps 
Framerate........25.0 fps 
Aspect Ratio.....(16:9) 

Bitrate.............139 Kbps 
Frequency........48000 Hz 
Codec.............MPEG Layer-3



how's the file quality?
Är den här äcklig eller går den att glo på? Jag menar visas det en massa avklippta kukar som sprutar blod? Eller folk som fastnat med ballen i köttkvarnen och sånt? Hur pass vidrigt är det? Eller är det mest humor?
For å si det slik så er det ikke hendelsene i seg selv som vises, men personer som har vært involvert forteller om hendelsene, man ser gjerne et par bilder av de "litt" hehe skadede kroppsdelene. For all del, last ned da pyser, man blir ikke syk av å se den, den er morsom.
HAHAHA!! Detta är ju bara för bra för att missa... :D
Verkar som nån lagt ner torrenten tyvärr... verkar kul.
laggt ner? ähh, inte då, den e uppe på 200kb/s för mig i alla fall.... hoppas bara alla seedar "hela vägen" hatar "tpb folk" som seedar till 99% å drar, seddar alltid minst 3dar på 100kb/s innan jag lägger ner en fil, å forstsätter så länge de e nån som vill ladda!